Monday, September 25, 2006

Bloggy Magnet's

For a limited time only, and for your delight...

Fridge Magnet's :o

Simply click on a letter and drag it where you want it. I know it all jumbled up and messy now but as more people write it will clear up :P


Yep they're gone now but maybe one day they will be back.... Like the hamburgers from McDonalds ^^

Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's Stewie !!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Good for a Laugh

This is for all the Aussies out there and anyone else who gets these jokes ^_^

p.s the salty black stuff = vegemite, and and its not that bad :p

You Know You're From Australia When...

Your next door neighbours can be from Tunisia, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Brazil, Spain, Malaysia...

The community is so concerned over the fact that muslim women can't use public swimming pools because there are men present that they have female-only periods.

The Greeks and Mexicans next door ask you over to have a barbeque.

You don't actually use the words 'sheila' or 'shrimp'.

You sleep with Aeroguard on.

You feel obliged to spread salty black stuff that looks like congealed motor oil on bread and actually grow to like it

You actively dislike Americans, but watch their TV, eat their food and worship their idols.

You think Tall Poppy Syndrome is a national condition.

Democracy means the freedom to draw caricatures of John Howard.

Your idea of a lethal weapon is a slug gun.

The closest you ever got to going overseas was your packet of 5 Days In Rio grundies.

A posh meal = an all-you-can-eat buffet.

The term "musical instrument" also extends to wobbly bits of ply-wood, hand saws, gum leafs and combs.

All of your internationally famous people don't live here.

You think footballers dressing up in drag on TV is funny (but your son being gay isn't).

You relish test cricket - the longest, slowest game in sport (and that's not even counting the replays). After all, what else gives you an excuse to sit on your arse for five days, watch TV and sink piss with your mates?

You don't drink Fosters, but you let the world think you do.

The only thing better than beating the Pohms at ANY sport is giving them shit for it.

You love, adore and admire a particular team/sportstar/actor on a winning streak - until they lose. Then they're just crap and 'past it.'

You can compress several words into one - ie 'g'day', 'd'reckn?' This allows for more space for profanities.

You favour either Holden or Ford - or a souped-up WRX with new kit and a bootful of subwoofer.

Driving down the main street/beach road playing bad techno is your idea of a perfect Saturday night / Sunday arvo.

You make kooky films, sometimes about wayward road trips (across the outback preferably). Quite a few are crap.

You know all the words to Khe Sahn but not the national anthem.

Your nickname ends in 'a' or 'o'.

You have a customised stubby holder.

Your soap stars become pop singers and move to the UK.

You've ever used the words - grouse, tops, ripper, choice, sick, rad, exo, ace, wicked, ballistic - to mean good. And then you place 'bloody' in front of it when you really mean it.

Your cooking apron has plastic breasts on it.

The "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi!" chant has been a religious experience in the past.

The blokes at the local gym think your weight training is an opportunity to ask you out on a date.

The big national sporting events are men-only.

Your politicians believe than sticking the prefix 'un' in front of your nationality is an effective way of making you sit down and shut up.

Our mantras are 'fair go for all', 'mateship' and 'little Aussie battler' - but we still publicly condemn those with different viewpoints to us.

The barbeque is a male-dominated arena. And the women do the salads.

'Fair go for all' excludes indigenous people.

An eight-hour trip to go camping for the weekend isn't out of the question or excessive.

You take pride in living in a tolerant multicultural society but firmly believe that all Poms and Kiwis are fair game.

You insist on asking every celebrity who steps of an aircraft what they think of Australia. If the response is not overwhelmingly positive, they should be subjected to immediate public ridicule.

The private lives of footy and cricket players become more important than local and national news stories.

You say 'no worries' quite often, whether you realise it or not.

You realise you have no Bill of Rights.

The first thing guaranteed to get eaten at parties is fairy bread.

So that's the special ingredients that make up an Aussie - whatever your taste.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Austrailia.

Oh and i finally got my EO working but theres a catch... the only way i could get it towork was by downloading test's 26-4 my v25 broke and stayed broke :(. I just thank the gods of EO that have mates on EO's test server or i'd still be running around test with a shoeless with peasent and a trusty ol' dagger.
*hugs* guys. See some of you on test maybe. :P

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Steve Irwin & Peter Brock

Us Australians lost two great people over the last week or two =(

I feel horribly for the families of both them, being hounded by the uncaring media and the Heartless paparazzi photographers.

Losing someone is hard enough without having to put up with a media frenzy.

Hopefully we don't lose any more aussie great though...
"Travis Fimmel Dies In Modeling Accident"
"Kylie Falls off stage"
Dont worry im only joking, i couldnt imagine anything worse than losing travis...
Travis is the only thing more drool worthy than Toby Rand.
Who by the way is one of the final 4 in this season of rockstar. GO TOBY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Updates ^_^

Yeah i haven't been playing EO alot lately. Ive been playing several other games as well as real life responsibilties. Seems i'm going to have to get a new job soon since i was pretty much fired from the one i sorta had... long story and way complicated =(

But yeah since i now have an up-to-date PC i can play more than one game on it ^_^
Oh and the small faact that i accidently deleted EO after trying to install the test patch to have a look
*slaps head in a Duh motion*
Now it seems neither one wants to work :P. That won't stop me for long though.

Oh and i've seen the new guys hairdo's but the important Q is...
Us girls have to know these things, :P after all we always like to look our best. Even on online games lol.

Oh and i made my own deviant art page ^^. Theres not much on it as my scanner is broken (i lost the printer cords 3 months ago when i was changing my room around lol) But yeah i'll put some of my better pics there

later ya'll <3

Friday, September 01, 2006


I havent been on much lately so nothing to update. I would have no idea whats been happening if it weren't for the blogs, lol... several short messages for the masses though. And anyone who wants to reach me just email me or nudge my MSN

Debs - Glad you got your account back sweety *hugs*
PX - O.~ I hope you are all behaving for Nez :P. Dont forget, he is the sole keeper of the rusty boot and his not afraid to use it, lol.
Waterbaby - sorry i dissapeared on you. expect an e-mail soon though

Well thats all as R/L is demanding my attention again.
Catch ya'll later